At Shark Boy of NY, we are your go-to exterior cleaning experts, proudly serving Westchester and Putnam counties. Our professional team provides top-quality pressure and soft washing services to both residential and commercial properties, ensuring that your buildings and outdoor spaces remain clean and well-maintained. Whether it's roof cleaning, window washing, or removing dirt and grime from driveways and sidewalks, we have the right to...
What sets us apart is our commitment to providing safe, eco-friendly cleaning solutions that protect both your property and the environment. Our team uses the right combination of quality equipment and environmentally safe chemicals to ensure that your property is cleaned effectively without causing any damage. Whether it's pressure washing or soft washing, we tailor each service to the specific needs of your surfaces, ensuring long-lasti...
After working for several companies in the pressure washing industry, we decided to take our expertise to the next level. On our days off, we worked with a local company to gain hands-on experience, learning everything we could about soft and pressure washing. With training in both the technical and safety aspects of the job, we became well-versed in using the proper equipment and chemicals to get the best results for our customers. Our p...